The Christmas Affair Craft Show
November 2nd 9am - 2pm
About the Show
A poem by Linda Huffington
On the first Saturday of November each and every year
John McMillan Presbyterian Church becomes a winter wonderland known far and near,
As hundreds of faithful followers and nearby friends
Converge on our doorstep for special Christmas treats and gifts to send.
It’s truly an extraordinary event that touches one’s heart
As we realize how many faithful want to take part.
As preparations begin late summer and fall
Men, women, children, crafters and bakers answer the call.
The shopping bag designers begin crafting each unique design
Which will be given to each shopper in line,
Candy and jelly makers fill the kitchen with candy and wonderful smells
As dedicated members bake goodies at home decorated with sprinkles and frills.
Crafters with many unique and special gifts to sell
Apply, are judged and selected for their special skill.
As the big day approaches, so many jobs to fill,
Parkers and van drivers to transport the crowd up on the hill.
Chefs and kitchen helpers to cook and feed the crowd,
And many volunteers who sell baked goodies and handcrafted items abound.
After an exciting and tiring day of much fun and toil,
The major cleanup begins by JMPC’s most loyal.
The wintry scene and festive aire
Overnight become once again a sanctuary of prayer.
Anticipation is great as proceeds are gathered and counted,
And hope for more mission dollars and possibilities are touted.
Prayers answered, good news indeed,
Another great year of over $10,000 for many homeless and in need.
Information for Crafters
Craft Show Saturday, November 2, 2024, 9am-2pm
If you are accepted into the show, you will receive a Reservation Form in June 2024. Crafters not accepted will be placed on a waiting list.
8’ space - $85.00
10’ space - $95.00
12’ space - $115.00
14’ space - $125.00
Electricity - $8.00
Set-up Friday: 3:00-7:30 pm Saturday: 7:00 - 8:30 am
Each space is rented by the size requested. Tables will be available upon request. If you have an extra display, you will need to request a larger space to accommodate your needs. For example, if you request an 8 ft space with an 8 ft table and also have a standing display; you will need to request a 10 ft space or larger to fit your spacing needs.
Each crafter participating in the Christmas Affair will be asked to donate a handcrafted item(s) valued at least at $25.00 or more for our Chance Auction that will be held the day of the show.
Our craft show also features our own bakery, candy, and cafe΄ areas. All proceeds benefit local, national, and worldwide mission projects. Last year we were able to give $11,000 to missions.
For more information contact Leslie: jmpc@johnmcmillanpc.org

Crafter Application
To apply, please fill out the online application or download the application and send by May 24, 2024
â–ª Complete application
â–ª Upload pictures of your handmade crafts for jury selection